Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Count Loves The National

"The Count" aka "Spook" aka "Little Fella" aka "Mel" aka "The Critter" apparently likes The National's music as much as his (or her) parents.

This past weekend after seeing The National play I felt the baby move for the first time. It's an experience unlike any other. It feels like big bubblegum bubbles popping inside my stomach with an occasional super soft karate chop.

Other milestones for Week 17 include:

- NONE of my pants fit me anymore (except for a pair of black yoga sweats that I pretty much wear everyday)
- The baby loves cheeseburgers
- Mindy is filling in for Brady as my "sympathy-pregnancy-symptom-partner"
- Nick is also eating for two
- We heard the heartbeat for the second time and the doctor said it still "sounds like a boy"
- My first ultrasound is scheduled for June 16

May was a good month. Things are going well. After spending 8 days in Mexico and 5 days in San Diego, I am feeling very spoiled and relaxed. It's hard to believe that I am almost half way through my pregnancy!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day

Today it occurred to me that next year I will be a mother of TWO critters instead of just one. My life with Chloe is going to change so much! I guess I always thought she would be an only child ... and I think she did, too. Yet imagining her as a big sister makes me smile.

As I spent today with Chloe and other special people in my life, I really enjoyed the feeling of being a mama. I am so proud of my Chloe. She'll always be my baby -- no matter how old, defiant, mean, tall, smart, grown-up, beautiful or sassy she gets. She is my first baby. I couldn't love her more. When I take time to make the world slow down, I see her huge heart and her big brown eyes ... just like I remember seeing on the day she was born.

In three hours Chloe and I are headed to the airport for her first trip to Mexico. Yay! I have been fortunate enough to get enough freelance work to finally afford a REAL vacation with her. She has been so patient with me throughout my career. She has sacrificed so much time with me and has been so understanding and patient. It makes me sad when I remember the long hours at the office, the missed soccer games, the calls to tell her to go to bed without me, missed dinners, and spending so many weekends away from her due to business trips. She deserves this vacation so much. Plus, let's face it, this will probably be the last vacation with just the "two of us."

I am lucky to know so many mothers that have helped me (and continue to help me) raise Chloe. My sisters and friends are some of the best mamas I know. Chloe will tell you it's my hormones but I get overwhelmed and cry when I think of how many beautiful people are in my life and continue to come into my life.

Anyway, enough mushy mush. Happy Mother's Day and Viva la Mexico!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Got Names?

Whoa. The last week has been ROUGH.

Apparently my center of balance is off because I managed to fall down the stairs while carrying a basket of laundry. Not to worry -- aside from a few bruises and a little soreness, I am fine. It was a little scary because I had been spotting but that too has subsided.

Next, Chloe came down with a crazy stomach flu. Why does the flu always strike in the middle of the night? She started throwing up around 1:30 AM on Monday and it continued every two hours for about 18 hours. We were both exhausted. Luckily, she is feeling much better now and I have not caught anything.

The good news? My appetite for sleep is back. The insomnia is gone! In fact, all I feel like doing is sleeping. It has been amazing for my health but really bad for my career. I have not been very productive aside from setting up a very static homepage. The downside of being self-employed is that you don't get paid if you take a week off to sleep.

Spook should be getting bigger, judging by the size of my butt and thighs. Last week I started spotting and it continued throughout the weekend. By Monday it had stopped completely so my doctor said to avoid lifting heavy things and to get lots of rest. Apparently it is somewhat normal provided it doesn't continue on a consistent basis. Of course I have been obsessing about it, which doesn't help my already elevated stress levels. I am really anxious to start feeling the little monkey move so I can be reassured that everything is okay in there. He/she is about the size of an egg so I try to poke around and see if he/she will kick me back ... nothing yet.
Chloe has been compiling a list of names. Interestingly enough, her choices are all boy names so far. Feel free to leave your suggestions in the comments section. I haven't really given it much thought but I listed a few names for each gender that I kinda like, as well as Chloe's favorite (boy) names.

Baby boy:
Greyson Nicholas
(Greyson originates from "son of the count" as in Count Dracula, plus how cool would it be to have G'n'R for initials?)
Remmy Nicholas
Giovanni Nicholas
(Giovanni is my gramps' Italian birth name and has always been a favorite of mine.)
Cash James

Baby girl:
Ada Brady
(Maybe Adaline or Adalene)
Tuesday Jameson
Mabel Sophia
Cadence Jameson
(Mindy, I know you hate the name Cadence! I know, but I kinda like the sound of it - get it?)
Sparrow James
(Chloe's full name is Chloe Jon after my grandpa. My nieces are Adyson Bo and Piper Jae. I really like the idea of continuing the tradition of our girls having masculine middle names. Nick's dad's name is James so I think it would be pretty cool. I don't know how 'Ronald' would flow ... Sorry Dad!)

Chloe's favorites:
Bronson Nicholas
McKay Nicholas
Bryson Nicholas
Bryson McKay

Don't worry -- I am not really in love with any names yet. And luckily, we have plenty of time to decide. Of course, if Spook is born on Halloween ... Spook it is ... or Frankenstein ... or Count ... or Dracula ... or Mummy ... or Goblin ...