Tuesday, April 20, 2010

My Heart, It Beats For You

Today was a big day; a much anticipated day!

I went to my 12-week doctor appointment for a check up and to (finally!) hear the baby's heartbeat. It was amazing. It took my doctor a little while to locate it and as he felt around, I started to panic. I watched his face for any signs of worry but then ... he found it! I was excited, relieved, happy, and unexpectedly surprised. There really is a tiny, little human in there! Hearing that little "thump thump thump thump thump" made the last three months totally worth it.

I had forgotten how precious it is to hear the heartbeat for the first time.

After listening for a little while, my doctor pulled a tiny baby out of his pocket that replicated the exact size of a 12-week-old baby. It was hilarious and adorable. Spook is about the size of a small pickle.

Before he left, I asked my doctor if the heartbeat sounded like a boy heartbeat or a girl heartbeat. After all, he did guess Chloe was girl on the first try. He said, without hesitation, "Oh that's a boy's heartbeat. It sounds like a boy to me."

Nick's mom, Julie, has a feeling it is a boy but Sadey still thinks it's a girl. Is it okay for me to say I hope it's a boy? I will be happy either way, obviously, but I already have the world's best daughter.

I guess we'll just have to wait two more months until we have an ultrasound. The important thing is that there is a healthy heartbeat. I needed the reassurance. And now, I am ready for the second trimester. Let's go, baby!

Sunday, April 18, 2010


i took this picture of my mom at the cemetery:


<3 chloe

Sisters + Pedicures

Sadey, Tawny, and I went to get pedicures and dinner on Friday night. (Thanks for the invite, Sadey!)

Turns out, it was excellent medicine for this pregnant lady. Tawny even tried to make me feel better by unbuttoning her pants when I had to after crab stuffed mushrooms, bread, salads, pork chops, lobster ravioli, and lemon passion cake. Later, at Sadey's, Teresa made me a virgin Bloody Mary that was super delicious. We all ended the night happy and full with beautiful toes.

The best part of it all was spending time with my sisters. I sure love them and am proud of them. Next time, Mindy better make an appearance!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Week 11

I love you, Spook, I just wish I wasn't so sick.

The last time I was pregnant was 14 years ago! Things are a lot different this time. With Chloe, I had morning sickness every morning and every night for all nine months. I remember throwing up A LOT. From the moment I found out I was pregnant I knew "she" was Chloe. I always just knew I was going to have a girl. We told my family on April 22 (my grandpa's birthday) that we were expecting and I was due December 7th. Chloe was a traditional pregnancy. I was young, I ate Big Macs, I broke out, I had horrific hair styles, and I started nesting 2 weeks before her due date. But I was never a good pregnant lady. I didn't want to be pregnant. I wanted Chloe to come out! I couldn't wait ... I begged my doctor to induce me at every check up. Of course she was 8 days late and they FINALLY induced me. Ahhh, she drove me crazy with excitement.

This time is much different. I am 35 ... not 21. I don't know if it's a boy or a girl and I don't have a strong feeling either way. And I am worried about EVERYTHING there is to worry about. Paranoid, nervous, anxious, concerned, and worried. I am still not a good pregnant lady. I am sick all the time but not in just the throwing up way. More in the "I'm too old for this" way. It's a little more painful this time around. And the 7-day cold I have is rrrreally annoying.

All that said and realizing this is probably the last time I will ever carry a child in my body, I am determined to enjoy this pregnancy. I am determined to avoid the fashion disasters I experienced 14 years ago (luckily I have Chloe to help me with this one) and I am going to limit my Big Mac intake. I am crossing my fingers that next week, at the end of my first trimester, I will miraculously start feeling better and get that pregnancy "glow". I am going to revel in the miracle that pregnancy is and not worry about rushing things along.

I never thought I'd be able to carry another baby. In fact, I was told my chances were about .01%. So this little miracle growing inside me, well, I am going to enjoy him/her. No matter what!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Today's Top 3's

Thanks to a terrible cold (in April!) I am confined to my bed. So why not make some lists?

We'll call this collection "Today's Top 3's".

Top 3 Favorite Foods
1. Pickles
2. Cool Ranch Doritos
3. Chocolate milk

Top 3 Favorite Sayings
1. What if you were pregnant?!
2. Mommy?
3. Tina Fey's hips are huge.

Top 3 Annoyances
1. Heartburn
2. Sore throat
3. Bladder
(in that order!)

Top 3 Spook Developments
1. I think I felt that bubble sensation when the baby first moves.
2. I had a dream that the baby was a girl.
3. My favorite jeans have been temporarily retired.

In just 10 days I get to hear Spook's heartbeat. I am very anxious to know that everything is okay in there. So exciting!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Thats a lotta food for such a little fella and a lil' mommy!

According to BabyCenter.com, at 10 weeks, spook is barely the size of a kumquat! as of today Spook has 208 days left and will keep growing like crazy. Thats a lot of food for a kumquat, Mommy! What's Spook gonna make you eat in a couple weeks when he doubles size? We're gonna need a membership t0 costco ;) <3 DADDY

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

hungry. always hungry.

things i have eaten today (so far):

1 bagel
french toast
orange juice
chocolate milk
1 ham sandwich
too many fritos
whopper eggs
12 pickles
2 gallons of water
1 cheeseburger
french fries
1 frosty
2 donuts
1 7up

and i haven't had dinner yet...
